
Business Services
Cosmogence offers a complete solution to remote hiring!
Having trouble finding the talent you need in your area? Cosmogence means global talent at your fingertips. Businesses can broaden their candidate pool by hiring highly-skilled remote employees from around the world, and save up to 75% of what they would typically pay.
Cosmogence is an entirely new type of platform for remote employment that tackles many of the challenges businesses face when attempting to hire highly qualified remote employees from abroad.
When it comes to the legal side of hiring internationally, companies face the challenges of labor law and standards compliance, contract law, and contract enforceability. It’s important to abide by the local laws, but it can be difficult to properly implement for remote employees. Cosmogence’s team of international lawyers takes care of each step so businesses don’t have to!
Another troublesome roadblock is how to handle payroll. Each country has its own set of tax obligations and regulations. Cosmogence takes care of everything - from background & criminal record checks to work verification and payroll & benefits - so businesses don’t have to. Cosmogence removes all the complexities and gives the business what they want, a talented employee at a fraction of the cost. And each remote employee always works in the business’ preferred time zone!
We also recognize that one of the number one concerns for businesses with remote workers is ensuring data security. They give peace of mind by carrying out full background checks on every candidate and installing industry-leading security software on every remote employee’s workstation.
Cosmogence makes hiring overseas employees simple, our concierge will take care of everything, all you have to do is pick the candidate! Hiring the right candidate can take weeks or even months when a business does it themselves, but with Cosmogence’s simple 5 step process, a business can hire their next remote employee in as little as 3-5 days.
Remote employment is the future. Find your next all-star employee at